16th PhD Workshop on Systems and Control
August 27-28, 2020
Veszprém, Hungary


The aim of this PhD Workshop is to bring together young people working in the field of process control, supervision and information technology. Emphasis is placed on the exchange of ideas, results, experience and opinions.


The Workshop will include several sessions of contributed papers and computer demonstrations. Presentation of theory, algorithms, implementations and applications are welcome.

Topics relevant to the Workshop include:

  • process modeling and analysis
  • control (traditional, intelligent, adaptive, etc.);
  • process monitoring and supervision;
  • system identification and signal processing;
  • bioengineering;
  • traffic control;
  • reaction kinetic networks;
  • modelling of complex systems (classical, hierarchical, Bayesian, fuzzy, networks);
  • image processing and pattern recognition;
  • artificial intelligence;
  • soft computing (neural, genetic, fuzzy algorithms, etc.);
  • software issues (parallel computing, distributed and network computing, data visualization);
  • decision making (decision support, data mining);
  • energy, energy economics and game theory;
  • applications

Formatting guidelines

LaTeX template files are available here. (Some editor does not support the accented characters in .cls files. If the template does not work, open the "hjic.cls" file in text editor and change the "á" and "ó" characters in 3rd line (Gábor Balló) to "a" and "o" characters.)

MS Word templates are available here.

The page limit is 3 pages for the extended abstract.



The preliminary proceedings of the workshop will be available at the workshop in CD/USB stick format.

The final version of the proceedings is a special issue of the Hungarian Journal of Industry and Chemistry containing all the extended abstracts as short communication papers, and some of the presented papers will be invited as a full paper (6-8 pages). This journal issue will appear after the workshop.


Registration fee

The participation on the workshop is free of charge (of course, meals and accommodation is not included).