Head of the Research Laboratory
Veronika Szücs, PhD, Associate Professor
Phone: 06-88-624-329
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Home Page: http://visiooon.uni-pannon.hu
Activities in the Laboratory
The research and development activity of the Laboratory can be categorized into two main areas: objective and physical measurement of light emitting diodes (LEDs) and lighting systems; psychophysical experiments in the fields of vision and color.
Virtual Reality and Multimedia
Our research activity focuses on the development of complex rehabilitation supporting virtual reality and multimedia software and also assistance software products for people with different disabilities. As part of a current research project, we are developing such a software to support post stroke rehabilitation. The Laboratory is open for similar research topics.
Photometry and Colorimetry of Light Emitting Diodes
The Laboratory is well-prepared to measure luminous intensity, total luminous flux, luminous intensity distribution, color and color rendering properties, aging and electrical properties of LEDs, LED lamps and luminaires using LED sources. Investigations of such kind are conducted in the frame of several national and international projects. Two outstanding projects were the international cooperation where an LED automotive luminaire was developed and the award-winning Hungarian national project in the field of road lighting.
Psychophysical Visual Investigations
In our Laboratory energy efficient indoor and outdoor lighting systems are developed. We designed optimized LED lamps for home lighting in an international cooperative project. In another international project have been working on museum lighting, using LEDs which are energy efficient, have optimal colour rendering and are safe for paintings. The modern equipment of the laboratory allows the conduction of eye tracking experiments either in real or displayed environments.
Basic Research Activities
In our Laboratory', basic research is emphasized. We do research on the better description of brightness perception; a new international standard was published based on our twilight vision psychophysical experiments which supports the development of a more energy efficient road lighting. A new colour harmony system was developed and we have been active in the development of a new version of colour matching functions to describe colour stimuli in the form of today's needs. The Laboratory is open to do investigations and experiments in it's research fields and to co-operate in research projects.
Selected Publications
- F. Szabó, P. Bodrogi, J. Schanda: Experimental Modelling of Colour Harmony, Color Research and Application 2010, 35:1, 34-49, impakt faktor: 0.753 (2010), 10.1002/col.20558, ISSN: 0361-2317, Online ISSN: 1520-6378
- F. Szabó, P. Bodrogi, J. Schanda: A Colour Harmony Rendering Index Based on Predictions of Colour Harmony Impression, Lighting Research and Technology 2009 41: 165-182., impakt faktor: 1.256 (2009), Online ISSN: 1477-0938 Print ISSN: 1477-1535
- F. Szabó, P. Csuti, J. Schanda: Spectrally tuneable LED Lighting Simulator Laboratory Room at University of Pannonia, Przeglad-Elektrotechniczny 2013, impakt faktor: 0.244 (2011), ISSN 0033-2097
- J. Schanda, P. Csuti, F. Szabó, P. Bhusal, L. Halonen: Introduction to a study of preferred colour rendering of light sources, Lighting Research and Technology 2015 47:1 28-35., impakt faktor: 1.691 (2014), Online ISSN: 1477-0938 Print ISSN: 1477-1535
- J. Schanda, P. Csuti, F. Szabó: Colour fidelity for picture gallery illumination, Part 1: Determining optimum LED spectrum, Lighting Research and Technology 2015 47:5 513-521, impakt faktor: 1.691 (2014), Online ISSN: 1477-0938 Print ISSN: 1477-1535
- P. Csuti, A. Fáy, J. Schanda, F. Szabó, V. Tátrai: Colour fidelity for picture gallery illumination, Part 2: Test sample selection - museum tests, Lighting Research and Technology, 2015 47:5 522-532, impakt faktor: 1.691 (2014), Online ISSN: 1477-0938 Print ISSN: 1477-1535
- F. Szabó, R. Kéri, J. Schanda, P. Csuti, E. Mihálykó Orbán: A study of preferred colour rendering of light sources: Home Lighting, Lighting Research and Technology, 2015, impakt faktor: 1.691 (2014), Online ISSN: 1477-0938 Print ISSN: 1477-1535
- F. Szabó, R. Kéri, A. Wilm, J. Schanda, P. Csuti, E. Baur: A study of preferred colour rendering of light sources: Shop Lighting, Lighting Research and Technology, 2015, impakt faktor: 1.691 (2014), Online ISSN: 1477-0938 Print ISSN: 1477-1535
- J. Schanda, P. Csuti, F. Szabó: A new concept of colour fidelity for museum lighting, LEUKOS: The Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America, Colour Rendering Issue, 2014, impact factor: 0.958 (2014), DOI: 10.1080/15502724.2014.978503
Biography of the Head of the Laboratory