Energy effective innovation of illuminating systems (Wattguard LUX)

Title: „Energy effective innovation of illuminating systems (Wattguard LUX)”

Partners: MNT Systems Ltd., CoreCommSI Ltd., NRG Services Ltd.

Project identifier: 2018-1.1.2-KFI-2018-00193

Contact person: Dr. Attila Fodor


The aim of the WATTGUARD LUX project was to develop, manufacture and widely apply an innovative product family in Hungary that uses traditional lighting technology and mainly increases the energy efficiency of network transport and utility infrastructure systems and other industrial, commercial and service facilities. WATTGUARD LUX concept and technology in one. The main focus of research and development in 2018/2019 was on more cost- and energy-efficient lighting of state- and municipally-owned infrastructure systems in areas where complex lighting modernization is only realistic in the long run due to significant resource requirements. Due to the lower rate of savings and the unfavorable influence of lighting parameters, the voltage reduction devices known in Hungarian usage practice have not spread on (public) lighting networks. Part of the concept was therefore the production of a device that can be used to achieve energy savings in arc lighting systems with standard lighting parameters. The use of WATTGUARD LUX equipment, the reduction of CO2 emissions and eco-efficient waste management also help to meet the climate and environmental goals of institutions and companies.